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What is the difference between .925 Sterling Silver and Silver Tone? Do they tarnish?
- They must be in original condition
- For watches and straps, it must be completely unworn.
- In the original packaging, including any plastic covers, tags, or paperwork (varies by product)Our Sterling Silver is 92.5% pure silver, the highest possible for fashion jewelry subject to everyday wear. Sterling Silver does tarnish over time, but proper cleaning will remove this unwanted effect. Our products described as Silver Tone are Rhodium Plated, which does not tarnish like Sterling Silver. However, platings of any kind will wear over time depending on amount of use and care. We recommend removing your jewelry before washing your hands or when it in contact with any cleaning products or harsh chemicals. We also recommend regular cleaning to keep your jewelry looking its best.
If within 30 days of your purchase, you are not satisfied with any item that your ordered, we will either replace it or refund it, excluding shipping and handling charges. Some restrictions may apply. Please read our Return/Exchange policies.
We do not have a printed catalog, but our complete product line can be found on our website. We receive new arrivals regularly and our website is updated daily. In addition, we have a weekly email newsletter that informs you of our new sales events, new collections, coupon codes and much more. You may sign up for our emails by clicking the "Newsletter" icon located to the left of the search bar on every page or you can click on the footer "Sign-up for our e-mail list to get exclusive deals!" located in the bottom left corner of every page.
The benefit of having nickel is to protect the brass base metal on Rhodium plated bands. In addition, the nickel increases the brightness. Most of our products have nickel-plating in the center layer and so there is no direct contact to the skin. Also, the percentage of nickel is well within the standards, allergic reactions are rare.